Lisboa Urban Co-Creation Data Lab Workshop
New Dates
14 – 16 July 2021 @ NOVA Information Management School (Hybrid Event)
Lisboa - Portugal
Call for Papers
In the context of the Urban Co-Creation Data Lab project, a workshop on urban analytics to address cities' challenges is being organized to be held next July in Lisbon.
The Urban Co-Creation Data Lab project aims to provide support on decision making at the city level on high-quality services for citizens in five city domains, namely:
- Micro mobility: by supporting new planning and management approaches altogether with new tools to evaluate the impact and predict micro-mobility services demand;
- Waste management: by identifying profiles/patterns and prediction of urban waste production;
- Parking: by anticipating the occurrence of abusive parking to optimize surveillance;
- Pollution: by developing simulation models of liquid and air pollutants propagation;
- Emergency: by exploring the causes and creating predictive models that could predict emergency occurrences.
The main goal of this workshop is to share knowledge and best practices on urban analytics in these research areas.
In this workshop the analytical models developed and deployed in Lisbon, and tested in two EU cities, will be presented.
If you are a researcher working in one or more of these five areas, we invite you to submit a paper to be presented in this workshop.
Travelling and accommodation costs for the papers selected by the workshop scientific committee for presentation will be covered by Urban Co-Creation Data Lab project.
Submission guidelines
- Papers should be written in English accordingly with the guide for authors of Sustainability journal;
- 1st Author CV should be presented;
- Send your paper and CV to:
Important information
- All papers and CV's will be evaluated by the workshop scientific committee bringing together a panel of experts from academia and city managers;
- Selected papers will be funded for publication in the special issue “Urban Analytics and Creation of Services for Sustainable Cities” of Sustainability journal;
- Expenses with accommodation and travel for accepted papers will be covered by the project.
- Full papers and CV submission: 23 May 2021
- Application results communication to authors: 25 June 2021
- Paper submission in the Sustainability journal special issue: 15 September 2021
Venue: NOVA Information Management School and NOVA Cidade – Urban Analytics Lab