The main objective of the Action is to support decision-making, at the municipality level, in order to provide citizens with high quality services in the areas of security, emergency, operational management and planning.
The Action will deploy such support in Lisbon and two other cities to be defined at the beginning of the Action.
By building the analytical capabilities, and specifically analytical services able to support the management, the municipality will be in a position to better respond to the following challenges:
- Micromobility: by evaluating and predicting patterns and behaviours of micro mobility;
- Waste management: by identifying patterns/profiles and solid waste production;
- Parking: by identifying patterns, explanatory factors and prediction of irregular parking;
- Pollution: by developing predictive models for the propagation of liquid and atmospheric pollutants;
- Emergency: by identifying patterns and predictive modelling of traffic accidents.
The Lisboa Urban Data Laboratory will use its analytical capabilities together with the best expertise at European level to make openly available the results of the Action.
The Action aims at developing a new generation of public services in the context of smart cities exploiting supercomputing facilities and public and private data to analyse complex combinations of large datasets in areas of public interest.
This will be achieved through the implementation of the following activities:
Activity 1: Data preparation and open data infrastructure assessment
Main objective
Prepare data and open data infrastructure for Smart Management Platform.
Task 1.1: Data definition and requirements definition
Task 1.2: Services and Use Cases refinement
Activity 2 Services analytics refinement and HPC preparation
Main objective
Deploy the identified services in the co-creation labs and to connect them with the HPC infrastructure and with the applications, and the city services to be provided to users and stakeholders.
Task 2.1: Preparation: data models and analytical services
Task 2.2: HPC and services set-up and deployment
Activity 3: Co-Creation Labs: perform experiences and validation by cities
Main objective
Validate the Co-Creation Labs proposed services in selected cities (Lisboa + 2) and adding new use cases.
Task 3.1: Expand Co-Creation Labs: methodology, framework and technological tools definition
Task 3.2: Coordination of Co-Creation Labs: use cases implementation
Activity 4: Dissemination and Communication of results
Main objective
Maximise dissemination of the action results to a wide audience of researchers, city authorities, business organizations, EC and citizens.
Task 4.1: Dissemination and Communication strategy and set up dissemination channels and material
Task 4.2: Implementing Dissemination & Communication activities
Activity 5: Future sustainability
Main objective
Ensure that action results are exploited beyond the duration of the action and will be sustainable in long-term.
Task 5.1: Exploitation possibilities analysis
Task 5.2: Exploitation and sustainability planning
Activity 6: Project Management
Main objective
Ensure the quality levels of the action's results through the continuous monitoring of the action activities and their proper execution, the coordination of the work plan, and the optimum coordination of the beneficiaries.
Task 6.1 : Coordination with the European Commission and reporting
Task 6.2: Quality assurance and progress management
Task 6.3: Project Management