NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) is the School of Statistics and Information Management of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. It was founded in 1989 in response to a large number of graduates who specialized in Information Management and the growing need for the use of new information technologies.
Today NOVA IMS provides education at the highest level to more than 1700 students including undergraduates, post-graduates, masters and PhD degree students.
NOVA IMS’s strategy for the medium term is to develop and expand its current academic and scientific projects whilst at the same time maintaining its values and strategic guidelines. The group of strategic components referred to as medium term objectives is wide and combines excellence in teaching, learning and research. It also includes a strengthening of partnerships with the community and the business world, improving the quality of students at entry level into our courses, creating a work environment which is motivating for all our employees, with a policy of continuous improvement management of NOVA IMS.
NOVA Cidade is a network of people and organizations, promoted by NOVA IMS - Information Management School, representing the various agents and interests that constitute and lead the construction of the smart city, which collaboratively develops a set of activities aimed at promoting the creation and transfer of applied knowledge information in the context of urban intelligence, namely:
- GOVERNANCE - Embracing the challenge of smart cities as a model that can create an enabling environment for more effective and efficient governance;
- PARTICIPATION - Promote more active citizen participation, based on the use of information and communication technologies and taking advantage of advanced analytical capabilities;
- URBANISM - Achieve sustainable urban development with economic, social and environmental benefits.

Role within the framework of project implementation

Miguel de Castro NetoNOVA IMS Subdirector and Coordinator of NOVA Cidade Urban Analytics
Miguel de Castro Neto, Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), New University of Lisbon, where he leads AD NOVA IMS, Association for the Development of NOVA IMS, coordinates NOVA Cidade - Urban Analytics Lab and directs the Postgraduate in Smart Cities.
He was Secretary of State for Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation in the 19th and 20th Constitutional Governments of the Portuguese Republic. Smart Cities Personality of the Year (Green Business Week 2017 / AIP Foundation).
He is the founder and Vice President of Data Science Portuguese Association, coordinator of the Cities and Spatial Planning Group of the Platform for Sustainable Growth and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Terras Sem Sombra Festival. He is a founding partner of Agriciência, Consultores de Engenharia, Lda.
Develops his research and teaching work in Business Intelligence and Smart Cities.

Pedro Sarmento is a researcher at NOVA Cidade - Urban Analytics Lab. He holds a Ph.D. in Information Management - Geographic Information Systems and his main research scientific areas are related with smart cities, location analytics and remote sensing.
Beside his work in private and public institutions he has a rich background in research, having published several papers related to geographic information systems, land-cover mapping derived from remote sensing satellite images and as a speaker in international conferences dealing with spatial accuracy, remote sensing and geographic information systems.

Marco Painho is currently Fulll Professor of NOVA Information Management School. Coordinates the Master of Science Program in Geospatial Technologies (Eramus Mundus) and the Master in Geographic Information Systems and Science.
His research interests include Geographic Information Systems, Natural resource Information Systems, Information Integration, Crowed Sourced Geospatial Information, Spatial Analysis, GIS Education and Information Infrastructures.
He holds a Bachelor degree in environmental Engineering by the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Master of Regional Planning (MRP) by the University of Massachussetts, a Doctor of Philosophy in Geography (Ph.D.) by the University of California and Habillitation Geographic Information Systems by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
He was NOVA IMS'Director between 2000 and 2010, Member of the scientific Committee of the European Environmental Agency Portuguese representative of the Thematic cooperation group: Earth Monitoring and Observation(IV Framework Program - environment and cliamte) Member of the Management Board and Steering Committee of the european Topic Centre for Nature Conservation, Paris.

Ana Maria Mouro Gomes, is Executive Manager of NOVA IMS. She holds a degree in Agricultural Engineer from the University of Évora and a postgraduate degree in Project Management.
She was an office member of the Secretary of State for Spatial Planning and Conservation of Nature in the 19th Constitutional Government of the Portuguese Republic.
She is an EU expert in external assistance modalities delivery to third countries, with professional experience of over 20 years in developing countries, in project management in the areas of institutional support.
Ana has professional experience in managing multidisciplinary teams, organizing seminars and training, as well as in project evaluation and results monitoring (ROM), she has also specific professional experience in nature conservation and conservation. spatial planning integrated rural development and institutional support in the areas of health, education, justice and EU external assistance to third countries.

Flávio L. Pinheiro is an Invited Lecturer in Data Science at NOVA IMS. His research interests focus in understanding how the network structure of socio-economic systems impacts the strategic decisions of agents at different scales. At the macro-level, how does the structure of Economic and Innovation systems impacts the success of agents is constrained when they have to take actions over the elements that make up such systems. At the individual scale, how is the evolution of ideas, diseases, opinions, behaviors and knowledge affected by the social network they are part of.
In the past, Flavio was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the MIT Media Lab, he holds a BSc and MSc from the University of Lisbon (Lisboa, Portugal) and a Phd from the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal).

Marcel Motta is a Data Scientist and Researcher at NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Master in Information Management, with specialization in Business Intelligence, by NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS).
Since 2011, worked in the banking and IT sectors, in Brazil and Portugal, in the areas of data modeling, reporting and information management.
Currently develops his research work in the Smart Cities area at NOVA Cidade - Urban Analytics Lab.